Thursday, July 3, 2008

anne valérie hash fall 2008 couture

review coming soon!


Kristin said...

i thought the line was fabulous. a lot of classy dresses.

hate to ask this, but it's kinda crappy when people go on the blog list and visit an abandoned blog... lol; i know i hate it. if you wouldn't mind, could you switch my blog ( to not so prim and proper located at
i know, this is kinda rude/weird, but i would hate for people to visit an abandoned blog.
thanks so much!! if you're interested, i could link you up at my new one. let me know!!

Janice said...

Your blog is fabulous, I'm serious just ignore kristin about her comment. I really like the way you post different design on your blog, keep it up.fake handbageu